Okay so my motto used to be "Grow Something Anywhere", not anymore. You see not every plant will grow just anywhere. Often when we are planning gardens or deciding where to integrate veggies into our landscapes we force plants to be in the wrong spaces. Planning is important, and providing your plants with their sunlight and soil requirements are essential. Two super handy resources I keep by my side that help me throughout the planning process are "Garden Anywhere" by Alyce Fowler and "the Edible Front Yard" by Ivette Soler. Check them out, my new motto for this weeks blog is "Don't Force It." Give your plants what they need, southern exposure is best, plant the tallest plants on the north side of your beds as to not shadow your other plants. Companion planting is great, your plants not only will help protect each other from predators but enhance each others flavors if grown together. There are whole books on companion planting but if your in a pinch and want a shortcut check out
http://www.ghorganics.com/page2.html . So don't force it, plant your seedlings and starters where they will grow best.
Last year I planted this garden with basil and tomatoes next to each other, not only do they taste good when eaten together but basil actually enhances the flavor of your tomatoes when growing. Basil is also said to repel flies from the tomato plants. I always plant anything in the onion family near any lettuce I grow, the onions repel aphids from eating your lettuce. Plant oregano near broccoli or cucumbers to repel beetles.
Got any tips? Please share and happy gardening!